The Thermotex™ Equine Therapy Blanket is an electric blanket that delivers deep penetrating and relaxing infrared heat to where it is needed. Regular use helps increases hemoglobin 25% to 28%. Also elps relieve muscle soreness, arthritis pain and back ache. Aids horses in stretching which can prevent washing out and tying up. Also, helps improve performance when used to warm up horse before a competition.
Product Highlights
- • Removes lactic acid build-up in muscles.
- • Removes soreness due to injury.
- • Removes inflammation of the joints caused by arthritis.
- • Removes sinus inflammation.
- • Enhances respiratory system.
- • Removes sinus congestion.
- • Acts as a diuretic and helps bleeders.
- • Reduces lactic acid levels to prevent tying up during competition.
Thermotex™ Equine Therapy Systems are proven in reducing lactic acid build-up, helping a non-sweater sweat, and increasing kidney function. They also help bring out the natural oil of the skin, making hair glisten. Using Thermotex™ Equine Therapy Systems makes colic a thing of the past provided that early treatment has been performed.
Each blanket contains 12 infra-red heating pads and works with 110v.
Please read and follow all instructions in the instruction manual prior to use.