Fly Control Products

Stop annoying flies from bothering your livestock with these trusted cattle fly control products. We have a wide variety of repellent sprays and roll-ons, as well as cattle ear tags that contain insecticide. We also carry fly bait and traps that can be used to rid areas of infestations.Bite Free Biting Fly Repellentcan be used to ward off different types of flies, mosquitos, gnats and other flying insects. It also will repel and kill deer ticks. The Endure fly spray is sweat resistant and will continue to work in wet conditions. It also contains sunscreen. Bug Blaster is a natural bug repellent that is free of insecticides. Our roll-on products will allow you to more accurately and safely pinpoint specific locations around the animal's eyes, mouth and nose, and also around any wounds. With our fly bait, you can attract and kill a variety of flying insects in problem areas. Terminator II Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags are an effective way to protect cattle from flies, ticks and lice. We offer these many solutions for insect control at competitive prices.