Accel 10LB Pail for Horses.
From Vita Flex
Accel supplies comprehensive daily nutrition for horses in a well-rounded blend of over 40 essential and non-essential nutrients. You can trust this time-tested winner to provide a solid founation for health and peak performance.
The Choice of Horsemen Who Know Accel® is a balanced daily supplement of the full spectrum of essential nutrients for all types of horses. Accel®’s unusually comprehensive formula provides a foundation for optimum health - what all equine athletes need to perform at their best. Many of America’s top trainers and riders rely on Accel® every day to get the most out of their horses’ training and performance. Accel® is also the choice of many successful breeding farms, equine rescue organizations and veterinary clinics. Accel®’s formula supplies all of the recognized water and fat soluble vitamins, including many that are missing in most other supplements, for well-rounded support of the vitamin needs of most horses.